About 1000x Leads

Ready to join 1000x Leads? Book a call with Matt and see if you qualify.

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Agency Owners Over $10k/Mo

We highly recommend you do not join unless you are at a minimum of $10,000 in revenue per month. We do not enforce this, but we do recommend it.

The reason for this is if you are under $10,000 per month, you simply do not have the correct offer, experience and knowledge to fully take advantage of 1000x Leads.

There are always exceptions to this rule, but that is almost always the case.

We Have Clients From $10k/Mo To Nine-Figures

Although $10,000/mo may seem like a low-figure to those who are already established, there are agencies and B2B businesses that range from $10,000/mo, all the way up to $100 million or more in revenue.

The average business in 1000x Leads is between $500,000 and $5,000,000, so if you are in that range, you will be in good company. If you are lower than that currently, you will be able to surround yourself and learn from those who are currently achieving what you want to achieve.

The Problems We Solve Are Not Revenue-Specific

The reason that there is such a vast range of revenues in 1000x Leads and that is it applicable to businesses of all sizes is because the problems that 1000x Leads solves are not "revenue specific."

They plague big businesses just as much as small businesses. One of the four problems we solve will always be the bottleneck whether you are big or small, and when we help you solve it, you will experience the next phase of growth.

After you experience the next phase of growth, it will be another problem that is the constraint, and then we will help you solve that one, and then we will repeat this process over and over.

That is all business is. Solving these four problems, over and over again.


The Four Agency Killers

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

#1: No One Knows Who You Are

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

#2: Not Capturing Enough Leads

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

#3: 90%+ Of Clients Come From Referrals

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

#4: Nothing To Offer Unqualified Leads

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


You Will Build This Funnel

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


The 1000x Leads Funnel

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


The Trello Plan

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

Real-Time Slack Feedback

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

Training, Templates & Frameworks

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


Six Month Access

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

Slack, Trello, Kajabi

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

$4k For Six Months

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


Payment Link

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.

Automatic Onboarding

The entire program is focused on one deliverable: building this funnel. It is meant to be done in 120 days, but you will have access to the program for a full year.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions, here are some answers

Will this work for my business/niche?

This will work in any B2B niche and for any B2B service. Not to worry, we will help you apply it to whatever type of clients you serve.

How much of this can/should I outsource?

The bulk of this needs to be done by you, the founder.

But, there are certain things like the setups and menial tasks that you can get your team or a VA to do.
There are great instructions for how to do this, and links to external instructions too.

It will be easy for even a low-level/newer employee or VA to do.

Cold email address setup
DNS setup for cold email domains
Newsletter setup
Scraping email lists
Building landing pages (with templates of course)

To summarize, about 80% you will have to do yourself as the owner, and 20% you can outsource or get your team to handle.

It all sounds good but what if I don't have time?

If you think this sounds good, makes sense, and would benefit your business but you worry that you don't have time to dedicate an hour per day for 120 days to set it all up, you can confidently determine that the biggest problem is yourself and your excuses.

Do I have to come on all the calls?

No, you do not.

I would estimate that over 80% of people do not regularly attend the calls.

There is no extreme benefit to attending any of the calls. They are all recorded and you will be sent the reply, and any questions can be asked directly in your private Slack Channel.

How many people from my team can join the Slack?

You can have up to three people from your team (including you) join the Slack and come on the calls.

Any more than that will be $50/mo per person.

Is there a minimum revenue to qualify?

This program is not for anyone doing under $10,000 per month. It will be as applicable and important to those doing $10,000 per month as it will be to those doing $1 million per month.

But this program will not teach you a single thing about how to start an agency or get it off the ground.

It is for people who already are making money.